This is Fish.
Christmas! I love it!
We got a bag of Greenies each!
On Christmas Eve the Treat Bucket fell over and we cleaned it up!
I found string and balled up paper for cat soccer!
A long nap Christmas afternoon!
Fish, loving it all
P.S. Some cats broke 3 Christmas tree shiny things. Not me! I wasn't even in the room when #4 hit the bricks this morning!
A Three Wise Guys ornament got broke, but it wasn't the cats, it was Momma! She also broke her salt shaker in her Xmas china pattern and the top off of her sugar dish (but Grandpa-pa fixed that).
Anyhow, we have been very good and let her sleep until 7 Am today and then got her up!
We got the funniest gift ever. It is called Cat Dancer and treats with cat nip pieces in it.
Oh and we ahve a new cat cousin named Fraidy. He had a bushy tail and lots of fur.
Momma stays home tomorrow 'cept for when she goes to have lunch with her college freidn we have never met!
Say hello to Aunt SB for us!
Mugsy Wugs and Mellie Pie
Sounds like a perfect Christmas Fish! Do give our best regards to your family and to Aunt Songbird too.
Ouzo and Truffle
ps nothing was broken at our house. we're working on it though...
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