Dear Prof. Whiskers:
Dubby learned to eat cat cookies from a human's hands during the Christmas Break.
He is a fine young cat who works hard to do his studies.
Sister, Cat Nanny
Dear Prof. Whiskers,
Dubby is bogus! He pretends to need tutoring in cat cookies! He just pretends!
A friend
Dear Professor Whiskers:
I know how to eat cat cookies from my human's hands! It's fun!
I am a big cat now.
Dear Dubby,
aren't you afraid of getting germs? I mean, I give my mama kisses, but I'm very careful about picking the cootie free spots. Are human hands cleaner than I thought?
Help a brother out,
Dear Dubby,
You have done well and obviously studied very hard. Keep up the good work.
Way to go Dubby! I have almsot learned to shake hands like my big bro, but I am still a little 'fraid.
I do like nose touches though.
Dear Dubby,
I wish you were a dog. We do not have to go to school. Just lay on "Fuffy Blankie" and get belly scratches. It is fun. I do not think I would like cat school at. all.
Your friend,
we like cat school. we get to learn important stuff about our and-sisters.
I have a new lunch box with mouusies on it and melech has one with gold fish.
This year Mel begins reading the great cat poets and I will be studying astromoney.
Mugsy Andrew
Momma said she is going on Vay-Kay-shun.
What does that mean? Do cats go? I heard her talking to nice lady form church about when to feed "the cats" and about med-son for me?
Do cats go on vay-kay-shun? Is it soemthign bad?
Sorry Mugster, but cats don't usually get to go on the vacay. But you might special treats and love from the cat sitter!
I would just like to take time too Thank everyone for doing what you do and make this community great im a long time reader and first time poster so i just wanted to say thanks.
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