Whistle here. I'm transcribing Fish's notes smuggled from his confinement pen here in Mom's Study. He says stuff and I type it.
"While it's difficult to stay in a barred cage all day and night, I am concentrating on the positives. My stitches are out. My leg is healing and although it is weak from months in a cast, I can put my foot down. Everyday my hurt leg moves closer to my body in alignment with other leg.
Healing is more than physical. I've spent time lonely and isolated from my peeps and dog. Whistle sleeps on top of my cage or next to me so I can feel his fur through the bars. That's good but I miss freedom.
I'm reading the Psalms again for comfort. I've read Buechner's "The Alphabet of Grace", "The Book of Confessions" and a book on cat health. I'd read more but I have to stare at the bars of my pen and think about freedom.
I dug through my cat litter thinking I could dig out of here but no luck. They replaced cat litter with shredded newspaper then gave up on that, too. I use a bare litter box now. I wouldn't mention this indelicate subject but here on the 'net, we tell stuff we wouldn't mention in polite company.
I have about a month left in here. Thanks for thinking of me. I think about you, too.
You don't have any LITTER? That's not right! Ask them for some dirt! Maybe a potted plant? Kitties are supposed to get to dig in the litter and make big huge messes. It's how we express ourselves.
I'm sorry you're in kitty jail. I used to get put in kitty jail when my mommy had the big mean dirt sucking machines out. Now I just run fast.
Hey, I'm going to get some markers, see, and make some signs. Girlkitty is helping. They're going to say, "Free Fish!"
Then we're going to stand outside your cell and sing, "All we are sayin' is give Fish a chance."'
I'm glad you can put your foot down. Now just put that foot down and tell whistle to bust you out!
Glad to hear you're getting some good reading done, Fish.
--Cub and Angus
We just knew you should have kept the "Get out of jail free" card from when we last played Monopoly.
No litter? We couldn't cope with that.
Love to you from
George, Snuggles and PJ.
Hey, no litter. Good grief. Tha is awful. Nothign to sling all over he palkce.
Hope you are better Fish. I wish i ocod coem see you.
Spooky Boo cat and Cletus the WonderMutt send love and treats, Fish. Please be good so you can get out and stay out of the cage!
Aw Fish, you poor thing. The days might seem long now, but once you're all healed up, you will be glad that you took the time to recuperate properly.
I want a "Free Fish" t-shirt. Perhaps your Momma could make these available through the RGBP web site....:)
That's a great reading list, Fish. I'm glad you're using this time for spiritual growth.
I don't kiss cats--don't take it personally. But my mom sends you a great big hug and kiss, and lots of cuddles and chin scratches.
Listen. There is a cake coming for you in the mail. When the jailor isn't watching, carefully check through the cake...there's a little somethin' somethin' for you in there. While they are sleeping, or better yet, in the nation's capital, start sawing.
But you didn't hear it from me.
I'm wiring you money for cigarettes.
LMK, got you message, pal. wink wink
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