He came home on Tuesday from the Veterinary. Fish's leg is looking good because the dermitatis from wearing a cast for months is healing. He gets his staples out tomorrow morning!
He can throw away his Elizabethan collar then! He hates it.
I sleep on top of his cage. That's what I call it because Confinement Pen sounds like something in a prisoner movie and it's too hard to spell.
Mom is cooking his favorite meals. LD pets him and talks to him. He can't come out of his cage except when Mom cleans it out because he isn't allowed to walk around outside.
I help him keep his cage clean by sticking my paws through the bars to grab his food. No one believes me when I say I'm just helping him.
Too tired for more,
Whistle, A Great Brother to Fish
you sound like you've been a very big help.
I don't think people realize how hard kitties work. You deserve a break. Tomorrow, you should nap for at least 15 minutes each hour.
Thanks for your advice Whistle. You're the best big cousin a boy could ask for!
You are an good brother. I want a brother or a sister too.
Tell Fish hello for me.
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